How to get Pregnant » Pregnancy Poblems

Pregnancy Problems

How to Get Pregnant

There are a number of pregnancy problems that may require the advice of your health care provider. A physician will encourage you to lower the risks of complications and offer examination and screenings to help prevent problems before they arise. If these potential complications are spotted early, there is an increased chance of treating them and encouraging the safety of the baby involved. Furthermore, your baby's health of the utmost importance and examinations will help to follow a schedule for treatments to promote the safe arrival of a healthy baby.

Pregnancy Problems with Depression

Depression during pregnancy is a serious issue if it lasts for longer than two weeks. A woman can experience intense feelings of helplessness, anxiety, irritability, and even the desire to harm their baby. Pregnancy problems such as these can alter your ability to function on a daily basis and a change in appetite may even be noticed. If depression has become serious this might be a sign of post-partum depression which requires attention. Consult with a physician for evaluation. Post-partum depression can be treated successfully with medication, psychotherapy and support groups.

Breast Infection during Pregnancy

Breast infection, or mastitis, is a possibility if soreness or lumps in the breast followed by a fever. During pregnancy a breast might feel hot to the touch with indications of blood in the milk or yellow discharge. Further symptoms of nausea or vomiting may also be present. If this persists for more than 24 hours this can be cured with a visit to your doctor. Treatment will consist of applying heat to the area to relieve soreness and massaging directly behind the sore spot. It will make sense to wear a bra that is more supportive.

Symptoms of Serious Disease

In more severe cases, pregnancy problems can be an indication of a serious disease. Hepatitis B may be present where symptoms such as mild fever; headache, muscle aches, and stomach pains are involved. Hepatitis B can be diagnosed with a simple blood test and exam that can be offered within 12 hours of the baby's arrival. The newborn will require shots of HBIG and a hepatitis B shot.

Sexually Transmitted Disease

Finally, there are some pregnancy problems that exist that may include symptoms of warts in the genital area, fatigue, vaginal discharge, strong odor, pain when urinating and frequent yeast infections. If this is the case, HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases, might be present. Sexually transmitted diseases can be diagnosed through a blood test and physical exam for rashes or sores in the throat, anus, and genital area. Furthermore, a pelvic exam will be required to examine the birth canal and cervix to search for inflammation. Treatment may involve antiviral drugs and a cesarean section.

In most cases, reading up on pregnancy information prior and during pregnancy will result in a smoother process. If you have any questions, please speak to your physician or gynecologist.