How to get Pregnant » Pregnant With Morning Sickness

Pregnant with Morning Sickness

How to Get Pregnant

Morning sickness is the feeling of queasiness that takes place within the first trimester of pregnancy. Many women never have morning sickness at any time through their pregnancy while some women are afflicted with such horrible morning sickness that they actually lose weight in the beginning. Usually morning sickness occurs in the morning and then subsides as the day goes on; however, many women have reported morning sickness in the afternoon or evening. The following information may help women to cope better with morning sickness.


Getting enough rest is vital to a healthy pregnancy but a woman should never lie down immediately after a meal. Lying down with a full stomach can cause a person who is not pregnant to experience indigestion, and it is all the more amplified in pregnant women, as it can worsen nausea.

Do Not Get Up Quickly

Waking up in the morning can be quite a task for a woman who is suffering with morning sickness. She should not push herself to get out of bed hastily. Waking up thirty minutes to an hour before getting out of bed can help lessen the symptoms of morning sickness.


Saltine crackers are a great remedy to morning sickness as they soak up the excess stomach acid and help to relieve nausea. Crackers kept by the bed, on the nightstand can be a life saver when dealing with morning sickness. This is one of the oldest home remedies for morning sickness that still helps women today.

What to Avoid

Being in a warmer climate can worsen the symptoms of nausea, staying cool is important during morning sickness. There are certain odors or foods that will heighten the sense of nausea. Spicy foods are never a good idea during the first trimester of pregnancy as they will aggravate the stomach and possibly make the symptoms of morning sickness worse. Greasy foods should be avoided as well. Foods that are bland with very mild aromas are best.

Eat Smaller Meals

When a woman is pregnant she will have higher levels of a hormone called progesterone in her system. This system can slow the digestive process so larger meals will take longer to process. Smaller meals several times a day is recommended. Sometimes drinking a small glass of water prior to or after eating will assist with the digestion.


A woman with severe morning sickness can become dehydrated rather quickly. It is a good idea to sip water throughout the day. Dehydration is not good for mother or baby so it is very important to avoid it at all costs. If dehydration should occur, the doctor should be called. In rare cases an IV drip is used in pregnant women who become dehydrated during morning sickness.

There are many other things a woman can try to alleviate morning sickness. The best thing to do is talk with friends or family members who has experienced morning sickness and see what they can suggest. Whether or not symptoms of morning sickness are severe or mild it is never fun, but the good news is there is a light at the end of the tunnel.