How To Get Pregnant And Have A Boy

In the ancient times, people would usually rely on astrology and oracles to predict the birth of a boy or a girl. Now, thanks to modern science and technology, it is now possible that you can actually plan whether you want a boy or a girl!
There are many scientists who have studied methods on how to get pregnant with a baby boy or a baby girl. It has been studied that for fertilization to occur, the sperm has to unite with an egg in the uterus. What determines the gender of a baby is the type of sperm that unites with the egg. If a male sperm conquers the egg, then the resulting baby is a boy while if a female sperm wins, the resultant baby is female. This time, we are going to talk on how to get pregnant and have a boy.
Increase your caloric intake a littleThere are some studies which have actually said that women who have slightly increased caloric intake than their counterparts have increased chances of giving birth to baby boys. You can couple this with proper nutrition. Eat lots of red meat and legumes, because these foods have been found out to enhance fertility and increase the alkaline pH of the cervix. Increasing the pH of your cervix attracts the male sperms, thus increasing your chances of having a baby boy
Avoid using douches, creams and lubricantsUsing vaginal creams, douches and lubricants can actually destroy the alkaline pH of the vagina and the cervix. You should not disrupt this environment because male sperms are more easily destroyed by a harsh environment than female sperms.
Have sex around the time of your ovulationHaving sex a day before your ovulation increases the chance of having a baby boy. It is said that male sperms cannot survive beyond the ovulation day and have shorter life than female sperms. Thus having sex 1-2 days before your predicted day of ovulation increases your chances of having a boy.
But first, you should be able to predict your day of ovulation. First is through the use of basal body temperature. It is said that a woman's temperature increases slightly during her ovulation. Another method being widely used today is through the use of ovulation kits, which measure the luteinizing hormone in the woman's urine. Predicting your day of ovulation and having sex 1-2 days before ovulation increases your chances of having a baby boy.
PositionsIf you want to have a baby boy, you and your partner should try sexual positions which ensure deep penetration to the cervix. The pH of the cervix is slightly alkaline and this is conducive for the male sperm's survival.
It is also said that rear entry increases the chances of conceiving a baby boy while the missionary position or man-on-top increases the chances of conceiving a girl.