How to get Pregnant » Brown Spotting During Pregnancy

Brown Spotting During Pregnancy

How to Get Pregnant

Every woman wants to have a healthy pregnancy. Who doesn't? This is why a pregnant woman should be aware and vigilant about the things and changes in her which she experiences during pregnancy.

One example of this change is brown spotting during pregnancy. Brown spotting is a common problem for many pregnant women. It is often considered as an initial symptom of miscarriage by most of the expecting mothers especially if it is associated with abdominal pain, cramping and spotting.

It is said that brown discharge or spotting may be an alarming sign. However, it depends totally on the color and the consistency of the discharge. A woman should not worry if she finds the color of the discharge brown which is not associated with heavy spotting.

Many women experience moderate brown spotting or vaginal discharge with each passing trimester. During pregnancy, the soft tender cervix and the vaginal wall keeps infection away from reaching up the womb.

So, what are the causes of brown spotting during pregnancy?

Causes of Brown Spotting During Pregnancy

A lot of varying opinions and theories arise from this. One of things may cause this is sex. Sexual intercourse is one of the causes of brown spotting during pregnancy. Intercourse may lead to irritation or tear the cervix because cervix is very tender and sensitive resulting in brown spotting for couple of days.

Another cause of brown spotting during pregnancy is implantation bleeding. Implantation bleeding occurs approximately two weeks after conceiving when the fertilized eggs implants in the uterus and continues for day or so. It results in brown spotting or mild bleeding.

Infection may also be a cause. During pregnancy brown spotting may be some kind of vaginal infections such as bacterial vaginosis, genital HPV and yeast infection. This may cause itchiness, irritation and burning sensation in the vaginal area.

There is also the possibility of ectopic pregnancy. This is the most severe cause of brown spotting where the embryo plants outside the uterus, usually in the fallopian tubes and start developing there. It can affect a woman's health; therefore it should be terminated as early as possible.

Another possibility is miscarriage. When the embryo does not develop properly, the pregnancy ends at the embryo stage. This can give rise to brownish discharge. If this is the case, you need to consult your doctor as soon as possible.

Whatever the reason is, you have to seek the help of your doctor, so that you can be evaluated against the more dreadful complications. You should not panic or worry because it might stress you more. Your doctor will be able to discuss some points with you if you only have regular prenatal check-ups and remain vigilant on the changes in your body.